IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

I’ve had this issue a while but 99 percent of the stuff I use works and also I prefer the you tube ads as they are American lol so I’m sticking with it

My IP was geolocked ages back when the big outage happened in March/April. It was eventually fixed but it’s broken again.

At approx midnight on weds evening/thurs morning my router showed a red light for incoming net (don’t know how long it was out for, my wife spotted it not me).

By 6am yesterday the router was receiving internet again but now we are geolocked again on apps like Channel 4, and websites like National Lottery. My wife is getting massively pissed off with these IP locks as c4 is her main tv site.

I’m guessing this is related to the maintenance you announced for yesterday, so can you please sort this asap?

Oof, been seeing 4001-STREAM-GEOBLOCK on the Channel 4 app (FireTV), also in the 149.x.x.x range. It’s been working fine since moving to Yayzi last month but stopped working last night on all devices.

Guessing this is My4 being stupid rather than Yayzi making any changes but it’s quite annoying :sweat_smile:

I wouldn’t be so sure, my geolocation error coincided exactly with the hardware upgrades they did on the 18th. I’ve had zero response so far on this which isn’t great.

Just to be clear guys. The work we did had absolutely nothing to do with any IPs.

We upgraded the server hardware that was it, from what we can see. A database has not used our geofeed and has updated inaccurately. We’ve been in contact with them and they’ve assured us that it would be updated with their database update this week.


I’ve been on CF with another provider for over a year now and never had any of these issues, so hope its not going to be a thing when i move over to you guys early August.

See the previous messages above, it’s not Yayzi.

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Is this something that is going to happen every couple of months? Please get your stuff together. I’ve had to reach out for support more times in the 7 months I’ve been with Yayzi than the 10+ years I was with Sky.

How long until this will be fixed?

As we said above, the geo-provider will put an update out this week.

We don’t control the geo-providers database, we have a geofeed that is uploaded for providers to use and that’s what they should follow.


Thanks for confirming this. The timing of the issue reappearing fit the upgrade announcement perfectly, so it jumped out as a possibility.

We’re still geolocked.

I don’t believe the update has been pushed yet by the geo provider.

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Surprise, surprise. :pensive:.

Still doesn’t work

When will the new portal be online ?

Probably not for a good while yet. Is there something you need to do?

Well ,for a start you can’t log tickets on the existing portal ,they don’t register at your end. Plus it’s just daft to show my status as offline, very annoying. And I can’t take note of the constant drop outs ,even though they may only for a short time. And certain sites don’t work lottery for instance,then they do, then they don’t again. It’s not what you want with broadband. Thank you.

Roy, we’ve explained numerous times that the portal is crap.

It’s being redone from the ground up. While that is being done there is absolutely nothing being added/fixed to the old portal.

If you’re having dropouts then open a ticket with us and we can check the router logs.

The status in your account again will not work while the new portal is being developed.

The geolocation issues we can accept being an issue. And we have found the couple of databases that hadn’t been using our published geo feed. They are updating this in their next release so this should resolve any of those problems.


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I don’t believe anything you’ve said requires a new portal.

  • “you can’t log tickets on the existing portal” email them or WhatsApp them.

  • “Plus it’s just daft to show my status as offline, very annoying” a cosmetic feature is very annoying???

  • “And I can’t take note of the constant drop outs ,even though they may only for a short time” I don’t understand how this relates to the new portal, or any portal.

  • “And certain sites don’t work lottery for instance,then they do, then they don’t again.” Yep, that’s fair enough and this thread shows they’re working on it. Give them some slack.

Cut them some slack? We’re paying for a service that isn’t letting us access websites and services that may be affecting children/elderly/disabled etc. You have no idea how this could be affecting him. This Geolocation fiasco is not something any of us should be dealing with and for this long.

Is there a possibility that those of us affected can just look to have our contracts cut short? I can move to another Internet provider that doesn’t have these issues and you won’t have me on forums telling people about my experiences.