IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

Yes, cut them some slack. No services that are being impacted by this are being relied on by the disabled / elderly / children etc. however, that isn’t the point…

No, you shouldn’t have to be dealing with it and for this long. But the Yayzi team have explained time and time again, as have others including me, how this issue is occurring and the fact it’s outside of their control. They have no control over the fix or the speed of that fix.

All ISP’s can fall victim to this sort of fault. At the end of the day, your issue isn’t actually with yayzi - this isn’t a fault that lies with them, it’s a fault that lies with geolocation databases. So there’s no chance of your contract being cut short.

So respectfully, I suggest you appreciate the position Yayzi are in, appreciate the help you’re being offered, cut them some slack and chill out.

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I’ve never known of an ISP fan boy.

And yes, those services are affecting the vulnerable because they’re affecting people in my household.

So respectfully, unless you’re paid to be here, go do something more productive with your Monday evening. I’m here looking for an update on the situation and as I expected, nothing.

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Absolutely, drop us an email and we’ll cancel your contract. We’re fair and reasonable.

Although what has been said several times is, unfortunately true. It is our of our control somewhat, and it’s very frustrating for us as well.

Issues like this are affecting other ISPs in some capacity, the difference is we’re not afraid to take this head on, on a public forum for everyone to see and judge us.

Before we release any IPs now, we make sure they’ve fully updated across the databases, and we do check now before releasing them. However there is only so much testing that can be done, there are so many websites and services out there.

Take Channel 4 for example. You go on their website and stream it works flawlessly, however the same people have said when they use the All4 app. It’s says there is an issue. What are we supposed to do in this situation?


Oh look, you got that update you wanted.

I’m not a fanboy I just appreciate how hard customer service is, and how difficult it is to run a business. Yayzi have had their fair share of crap off of me when it’s justified.

Now take up that cancellation offer and do one to some other ISP that won’t care about you.

And you got something to do tonight. We all win.

Please can we keep this post on topic (simply to track the issue). This post was not created to rant/bicker about contracts or what have you.
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Thank you, I understand this isn’t ideal for yourselves and you can only do so much. I’ll give it another few days and shop around if not sorted I’ll take you up on the offer :+1:t4:.

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I do hope you find what you’re after


Well that must make me a fan boy as well then, as I’ve been with them for two years now and have seen them go from strength the strength, the geolocation issue if you care to have a look around isn’t caused by Yayzi but is the fallout because of the range of IP addresses that they have borrowed. That some other company had and now Yayzi have them which the previous users abused.
Much like you’re giving us earache :grin:

Where else can you go that is as fair?


I guess it must do.

My logic exactly and also exactly the reason i don’t do customer service. People sometimes just lack the brain capacity.

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Or maybe your service was poor :joy:. Go touch grass. Goodnight.

I’m touching some now :smiley: Goodnight to you too!

Likewise, I gave it up after pc service call yikes!

www.ip2location.com should be updating very soon.

@Yayzi_Team Any chance that 79.135.100.x can be registered as (ISP) Fixed Line ISP rather than Usage Type (DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit like the 149.18.87.x block?



Any reason why?

I am also on that IP block and I do not have any issues with any services. I don’t want to start having issues with services.

Currently I am only on day 1 with Yayzi but Previously I have found certain websites and service ban Datacentre/Cloud IP’s.

Currently finding myself having to do more Captchas than when I was on VF.

Ip2location seems to have the 185. 210.x.x subnet …

Category: 	(IAB19-11) Data Centers
Usage Type:	(DCH) Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
ISP:         Cyberhive Ltd


No noticable issues accessing websites with the classification. Guess for completeness be good if all Yayzi networks under the ASN are tagged correctly.

‘Geoip Wacka-mole’ springs to mind.

issue is with the GEOIP database providers

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Do you remember which? Do you have issues with any websites? I wouldn’t say the amount of Captchas increased over my previous Virgin Media connection