IP Geolocation Issues (Please Read)

Thanks :slight_smile:

@Lung @icarus @tomf @nexusmaniac (Sorry if i missed you)

Please could you try any sites you had a Geo block on again. As this issue might be resolved for everyone now :slight_smile:

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The amount of times I have emailed ipbase and they send that email and nothing happens is unbelievable! -_-

Fair play and thank you!!! :heart:


Hey, you are welcome! Happy to help :grinning:
Sometimes it takes a 3rd party to push them, hopefully now this resolves it for everyone!

Maybe they just don’t like you :wink:

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Might be because I’m ginger :person_shrugging:


Hey hey we don’t know if thats the case. But its very sus :eyes:
Cartoon gif. Zoom on Fry from Futurama, narrowing his eyes.

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I was all excited but nope, still not working for me :pensive:

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149.18.87.* fixed for me. I’m now in Blackpool GB, which is a lot closer than Edison, US. :slight_smile:

Thank you all


Not working here.

Error 4001-STREAM-GEOBLOCK from Channel 4 app on Samsung TV.


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Okay so it might be that channel4 just need to pull the new DB. Hopefully they do this overnight tonight.

If not time to contact channel4!

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I wish you the best of luck in that!

You took initiative here and that’s great

Ifconfig.co is still showing my IP (149.18.86.xx) as Edison, New Jersey.


Same here :rofl:


I had to sign up for the community just to say that I work for IPinfo. Please let me know if there are any IP geolocation issues on our side.

I searched here and on Reddit and could not find any issues specific to IPinfo, but there are issues with other providers. I just wanted to make sure in advance that we are happy to help.

In terms of providing accurate data. We usually use latency-based geolocation data methodology, but we appreciate geofeed data from ISPs as well.

I am not sure if Yayzi has submitted their geofeed data to us, but they can do it quite easily from our correction page:

It is best to set up geofeed’s properly. Here is a post about that as well:

There are no issues with our data when it comes to Yayzi, as far as I can tell from the community, but it is best for us and our users to make sure nothing happens in the future as well. Thanks!

Best Regards,

Developer Relations (DevRel) Engineer
IPinfo - Internet Data Provider

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Hey there welcome!

Thank you for signing up! Think we got IPInfo fixed a while ago. Don’t suppose you can say what major services uses your DB?

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I don’t think ifconfig will be correct as they are a stale project on Github with the MaxMind DB last updated over a year go.

As you can see via the actual GeoDB provider it’s up to date.

I’ve contacted Channel4, GeoGuard and IPligence if you guys could just tests the sites today to see if the DB just needed to pull overnight that would be great :slight_smile:

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The dev who maintained the repo seems friendly.


My kind of website!

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Nothing yet.