Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

Expand the quoted post if your are interested in the point.

Thanks for your condescending nonsense, but yes I understand how forums work. I doesn’t change my question.

You seem a little agitated. Get some sleep, the latency will be fixed soon.

Guys as stated several times, we are aware of the issue, an upgrade is in progress and is almost completed. We’re awaiting a handover to put the port live and this issue will be resolved.

Further upgrades are already in progress to ensure we’re a little quicker of the mark.

We’ve upgraded the transit and the peering, and unfortunately the port upgrade lagged behind due to CityFibre needing to complete the work.

We’re adding hundreds of MultiGig customers a month, so naturally adding capacity is going to be an ongoing thing, and we’re making sure we’re ahead of the game.

We don’t want any arguing or falling out on the forums over this, more than happy for anyone to vent their frustration but keep it friendly


Hi @Yayzi_Team
I have rebooted my router (wasn’t aware of the updates) but now I’m not getting a DHCP address. Not sure if my timing was just bad and this is expected during your upgrades?
Luckily I still have BT as a second WAN on my router.
Any idea when it might come back up?

This ping issue is annoying, but I can’t deny that Yayzi is great

My Broadband Ping - Yayzi Broadband

I also notice high pings between 1am-2am
My Broadband Ping - Yayzi Broadband

I think everyone will have pretty much the same charts, it won’t improve until the port upgrade (hopefully)

I just hope it’s imminent.

I have been getting “DHCP Lease fail” for the last hour or so. After setting a static IP, everything appears ok…

Hopefully, it’s upgrade-related and that fixes the ping, cos there is not much wrong with the speed (most of the time :wink:)

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I have tried this its not working for me

Fingers crossed, i am a new customer i didnt realise there was an upgrade and disruptions i should of got told before joining.

I thought after last night of no latency and no posts about latency or had been fixed :slightly_smiling_face:
But still high here

It was just as bad last night, it’s been bad all day today.

Just no point moaning and posting on a bank holiday weekend where nothing is going to change. I’m hoping that we might hear something early next week, if not unfortunately I’m going to move on as I can’t keep paying for a service that’s not fit for purpose.

I’m fine with it, we throw some data down it now and again, now I’ve stopped the CCTV getting to China it’s reduced the throughput so enjoy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Legit, first time seeing this on Yayzi

Not long to go, handover document is expected tomorrow/Wednesday and we can set the port live :slight_smile:

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I know, I’m not complaining mate. Just the first I’m I’ve seen it

I don’t like you seeing it haha! I want to get it sorted, and quickly! Most people have been really patient, which is nice!


Yes the same was happening on my son’s pc whilst he trying to download something. I know this will get sorted just hoping its soon.

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I’m sorry he’s not able to fly properly :frowning: - I myself play flight simulator, have done since FS2002! :airplane: