Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

Terrain, Terrain, Pull Up! Pull Up


F16 Combat Pilot on the Commodore 64!!

So, we should be all done and dusted by Wednesday then? Hope so.


Luckily im already terrible at games, so don’t notice too much. But it shouldn’t be this bad !

But not to worry im sure @ L0rdVerga will be here any second to state ‘Yayzi is so great’

My Broadband Ping - Yayzi

My Broadband Ping - Yayzi

My Broadband Ping - Yayzi

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Let’s just compare it to Virgin Media shall we

My Broadband Ping - Virgin media

Yes, Virgin is more consistently shit at least. rather than good and then poor, but that will be fixed within the next week or two

The virgin line is better !

You can see min and max latency is within a far smaller range, and it is not effected by peak time !

It will be good for gaming !

But only 100mb/s top on upload? Why? Greed! On XGS-PON they charge an extra £6 a month for Symmetrical….

Yayzi will get better when this port upgrade hits

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If you’re not happy with Yayzi then why not leave. No one is forcing anybody to stay and it’s still just a learning curve for the company as how many years have virgin been supplying BB & how long have Yayzi. Big difference really

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in contract

Should done the 1 month first :grinning:

First month service was generally ok.

Only got worse. Not better.

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I see what you’re saying but as you have learnt you are now stuck in contract and have no way of leaving. I’m sure it will get better

Have you asked them to let you out of your contract? they’re not some big evil ISP like Virgin, where they don’t care about issues…

If you express your dismay - they may at least refund you 1 month or swap you to a 1 month contract…

My family member got toob, a while, its cheaper as well.

Gnat same as im on as not got fixed IP since new IPS issued given up on that now.

Cant be bothered atm but at one point will monitor it. They live 5 mins walk away so likely similar users etc.

I’m experiencing massive internet issues from around 18:30 going big latency and my speeds for 1.2GB plus package is well a bit pants. Would be happy with at least 700mbps download…

The issues you guys are mentioning are all tied to the same thing. We’re upgrading capacity between ourselves and CityFibre, this is part of our planned upgrades, we’ve done our peering and transit already.

We’re at this point literally waiting for a handover document to say we’re good to go and we can set the new port live and no one will have any of these issues at all.


Can’t come soon enough, as this is an ongoing issue I hope it’s being escalated hourly with CF at this stage as you’ve been saying ‘waiting for handover doc’ for ages now…

Just over 7 weeks I’ve not used my Yayzi connection for any type of gaming during peak hours. My daughters PS5 and my Xbox and PC have been back on my Virgin connection (I’m glad I kept a low virgin broadband package as a backup just in case)

Is this definitely going to be fixed in the next few days? I can’t keep paying for something I can’t get full use from. I think we have all been more than patient. Promises of fixes around the corner that don’t materialise is also not good either.

I’ve basically not been able to play online games since the March outage on my Yayzi connection either. It’s just… completely drained any enjoyment from it.

I stupidly missed the toggle for the 1 month contract on the mobile site when signing up so I’m stuck for the long haul, but if this port change doesn’t fix it then I need to make a decision as it’s just not sustainable. When I’m yearning for my old BT 120 down/10 up Gfast connection then you know it’s bad.

I’m sorry, I have to disagree with waiting ages for the handover document… It’s been bank holiday weekend. I only posted about waiting for that document a few days ago, but point taken :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, as I’ve said several times. The port capacity increase will definitely solve the issue, otherwise why would we bother paying for it to be done, it’s certainly not cheap but is absolutely necessary.

The new port is in place and ready to go. We’re just waiting for the handover from CityFibre and then the port can be activated.

This isn’t something that is going to take weeks, it’s literally anyday now. Most people really have been patient and I can’t thank you all enough and we’ve already made sure the next upgrade is progressing even earlier.