Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

I hope this didn’t come across wrong by the way, I share everyone’s frustration. Like we’re waiting for a bit of paperwork right now, it’s annoying as hell!


Freedom of speech is a great thing :grin:

Haha! Sometimes it gets us in trouble.

Obviously I just want to make sure everyone has the best connection they can get.

We obviously completed a lot of upgrade works back in March and the CityFibre port was next on that list to be done and we already have the next one ordered and in progress. This will double capacity again so plenty of overhead!

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I’m curious what happens between 1-2AM precicely. It can’t be customer traffic causing the spike because it’s always at the same time for the same length of time every night so I’m intrigued what else is causing it.

As for the congestion, clearly you’ve got caught out for whatever reason with increasing capacity before it becomes an issue. But you will learn from it and as you say not long untill it’s resolved now. The only thing I’d say is you could of done a bit more to warn and inform people, like with a message on the service status page and a post in the announcement forum. You could of also paused sales while it was resolved to stop it getting worse for your existing customers, I appreciate that might not of been financially viable though.

Onwards and upwards.

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Between midnight and 2am is actually the second biggest traffic peak, really surprising. We seem to have a lot of night owls!

We weren’t really could out as such, we’d already upgraded the transit and peering, the delay with the CityFibre port upgrade was down to ordering the cross connection with the data centre, was a painful experience to say the least!

Thankfully the next upgrade is already in motion and we’ll continue to add capacity way ahead of the needs :slightly_smiling_face:


Between midnight and 2am is actually the second biggest traffic peak, really surprising. We seem to have a lot of night owls!

I find that extremely hard to believe. That 1am-2am traffic spike looks like scheduled downloads to me, must be a lot of users desperate to get their Linux distros updated.

@Yayzi_Team @Yayzi_Staff do we have to do anything when this change happens etc? Our IPs will remain the same right??

Its just a port change, Yayzi Own/Lease the IPs not CityFibre so unless the DHCP lease time is less than the time it takes for the switch then you should be fine. Or if your static then nothing will change at all as the IPs will/should be bound to the MAC/SN of the modem.

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Certainly a lot of traffic at that time!


Nothing will need to be done by you :slight_smile:

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Interesting, if it was user traffic you’d expect the upload to increase as well but it stays flat.
Also user traffic is a gradual increase and tail off and the timing will differ, everyones usage pattern isn’t exactly the same every day. Most of your user base starting downloads at exactly 1AM and ending at exactly 2AM every night would be very ususual!

I wouldn’t be supprised if that 1AM spike is still there after the extra capacity is live.

Looks like that monitoring doesn’t adjust for BST.

Are you able to share the throughput figures in that chart? :slight_smile:

I seem to have packet loss very day

same 24hr with VM


That’s quite interesting to see

Gaming a write off again tonight. Are CF sending this bleeding document by pigeon?!

Been awful for the last hour or so


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CF seem to be slow at everything they do

i think ill be happy when the ping lowers the most as this is the thing that hits me the most.