Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

Yeah, new port :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ah okay, Using the quote feature will save the confusion :slight_smile:


Ladies and gentlemen, set your watches…


Hoping @Yayzi_Team can get this port changed sooner as it is bloody awful of an evening.

It’s in progress, we’re doing as fast as we possibly can :slightly_smiling_face:


Is anyone else having problems this morning?
The big red block yesterday was down to me changing router, and not realising I had to to clone MAC address. This morning was fine when I first woke up, then dropped.

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Are you still down now?

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Back up again now.

Some interesting stuff going on with this router.
There was definitely an outage. Then it came back - you can see the green blip - then off again.
Then although it’s still showing red on BQM, it’s back.
Check in the router and see a whole load of messages about:
ER707-M2 Router detected WAN Ping attack from and dropped 151 packets.

OK. Thanks, but that’s the BQM source IP.
Then I check the Network Security → Attack defense and find that “Block ping from WAN” is now enabled. I didn’t set that, and it clearly wasn’t set prior to 06:30ish else would have been red all night.
I can only assume that the Omada controller decided to update that of its own accord. Weird.

Clear that, and it’s OK again.
I have left some of the other ping blocks in place e.g. large packet size, and set a throttle.

Nothing here, but last night was ropey and I definitely felt the lag spikes at times.

Yeah, had bad packet loss while gaming, as per. Fingers crossed the port upgrade will save us all!

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It’s been particularly bad lately, and getting worse. I also really hope the port upgrade works as the connection is useless for gaming in it’s current form.

I am having slow connections too @Yayzi_Team

When I start watching someones stream on discord my latency goes to 5000ms so in the red

“Slow”…. I guess if you pay for 2gb… yes, that’s slow, but not slow by any means….

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I think the issue was with the latency.

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Yep mine is definitely getting worse. These are last Saturday vs today.


It’s a bit of a joke now.


It’s confirmed not to be yayzi fault…


I think we’ve always been honest about things, in some cases to honest.

We know the issues and a fix is in progress and you’ll never have to worry about this again, obviously we’re going as quickly as CityFibre can go, and the timeframe so far is on schedule.


I think your statement is tad harsh. Yayzi have been 100% honest all the time & have tried there best to fix issues that arise. I am backing them to be the best broadband provider in 2024-onwards

@Yayzi_Team keep up the good work and I have total faith in this👊

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Hey, this is why Yayzi offer 30 day contracts after all, if you’re not happy, give 30 days notice. I have every faith they’ll sort it

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To honest must be refering to this:

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