Packet loss and generally crap connection tonight

I’ve been told my 185 IP would become static in the next few weeks months ago, is it static now? The answer is No!

We’ve all been told many times IPv6 is weeks away, many months ago and on more than one occasion, do we have Ipv6 now? No

So how is my statement harsh when it just represents truth? Not having a go intentionally at Yayzi, I’m just stating that they should not say things are happening when they are clearly not. I have many many years experience in business, I’m just giving them some advice that will help them with customer retention long term. Customers should not be told something is going to happen and then the reality is it doesn’t happen, this just ends up with the customers trust in the company dwindling.

The best feedback any company can have is negative feedback from customers, why do you think companies do surveys? The reason is because the companies want the negative feedback so they can fix the problem before their customers leave. Statistically most customers won’t voluntarily give negative feedback, or complain, they just leave.


We don’t pay for IPV6 and so they are doing it as and when they get chance to.

Have you paid for the static IP address are you expecting to? :slightly_smiling_face:

People statistically won’t give negative feedback? Have a look on trust pilot.

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We don’t pay for IPV6 and so they are doing it as and when they get chance to. It wasn’t me that said it would be rolled out and available, I’m just quoting what Yayzi said was happening, so again I go back to what I said, don’t over promise and under deliver.

Have you paid for the static IP address are you expecting to? :slightly_smiling_face: Yes, it states static IP included with your package.

People statistically won’t give negative feedback? Have a look on trust pilot. Like I said, I have been in business for many years so I don’t state statistics without evidence, go read here, one of many sites that give accurate statistics, not comments without evidence to back them up - Online Review Statistics: The Definitive List (2024 Data) .

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What is going on with the connection tonight. Latency is ridiculously high

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some shocking speeds on a wired connection.

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Same here, I really hope this port upgrade sorts the issue.

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It’s the highest sustained latency I’ve seen tbf

Its total crap @Yayzi_Team, @Yayzi_Staff
Is there some maintenance of some sort going on?

Yes, they’re waiting on a port upgrade from CF, with it seems like it’s not just the flick of a switch to do

Is that happening today or something that has been going on for a while?

It’s been happening for a while for me, and gradually getting worse every day during peak hours.

I meant the maintenance or switch over whatever they doing.

This issue has been going on for months. I posted a graph up few months back.

Apparently the issue has been identified as a port capability problem, due to be fixed in the next week by upgrading the port to CF.

My Broadband Ping - Yayzi

It’s been terrible tonight.

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Fingers crossed it gets sorted. I game a lot on PC so its starting to annoy me now. Today i have noticed it a lot.

Don’t we have relevant UK stats? They are more US market stats

We’ll always be open and honest, it’s been our policy to do so since the beginning. We think it’s important that customers are always well informed.

We are aware of the issues and there are fixes taking place. Obviously there is nothing we can do to fix this immediately, we have to wait for CityFibre to complete the upgrades and go off their timeline.

@CraigT1976 apologies, you should absolutely have a static, as as far as I knew it was. I’ll get this looked at for you and corrected.

Please just bear with us, and once the upgrade has been completed you’ll have low latency reliably, and speeds will be as they should.


The static I want is a 185 IP range one, I can’t afford geo issues. So if you can’t do 185 statics please leave it as is until you can.

Is this still on target to complete within the next few days? @Yayzi_Team

A broadband connection that’s pretty much a chocolate teapot during the hours when I want to use it (peak times) is not ideal. Could we have an update please?


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Just moved to Yayzi yesterday. Disappointed to experience this issue off the bat. Hopefully it is resolved sooner than later.

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Still on schedule guys!