XGS-PON Upgrades

My earlier post show its a 900 upload!!! on VF 1.8 package.

Unless YOU can get XGS-GPON, the checkers seem on many ISP to give false results.

Read the small print.

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Worst part is they get the same info as Yayzi do but decide not to use it and just lie about it.

I did say that I trusted Yayzi had the correct info and did screenshot the small print for Voda :wink:
It was me mainly highlighting the fact that many are advertising the higher speeds falsely :slight_smile:

I had a similar thing with a different provider claiming they can do 2gbps up and down

I wonder why yayzi used to show me as being able to get the 2.5gb pro package when this area hasn’t been upgraded yet. Haven’t been able to check other house numbers on my postcode since the new website design as apparently my address doesn’t exist on the yayzi checker lol.

I get the same from other providers, but I know I’m in a GPON area so go work out who’s telling the truth!

e.g. Briant below says when I put my postcode details in I can get this

but The One that offers 2.2gb symmetrical says I can only get this

Vodaphone also says I can get 2.2/2.2

So some of them simply do not tell the truth, or don’t do ethical advertising by knowingly showing the incorrect speeds.

I personally would steer clear of an ISP that does not understand the product they are selling, new startup’s I may give them the chance but a major player like, Vodafone no excuses.

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The issue is some ISP’s rely on the data CityFibre provide, which is wrong… :smiley:

Nope, the data is normally correct but the provider doesn’t have a way to differentiate between GPON and XGS automatically. Not sure why as Yayzi has done it so it’s obviously possible.

If you had XGS-PON, the websites you visit would appear like this.
In short, other websites are advertising incorrectly.

I reported this to the ASA, mostly out of boredom and a dislike of vodafone. I’ll see what happens…


Would love to know what comes of this.

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Here is what winds me up… two providers give the same info however if im the house next door attached to the same cabinet it’s a different service. Also the same with Yayzi

Im convinced im on PON but not getting anywhere with it.

My House

Next Door

My house

Next Door

Here is Yazi results.

My House

Next Door

As per previous messages. CityFibre do not have an upgrade path for people who currently have GPON installed. Once they have the upgrade path done then Yayzi will be able to do the upgrades.

I’m in the same boat here and would love to have XGS for the boosted upload but until CityFibre pull their finger out.

Cancel and come back as a new customer

Wait! That sounds very much Virgin Media type of workaround :laughing:


Maybe cityfibre waiting for sky before fully rollout the upgrade

What’s annoying about that is the checker showed 2.3gb pro package available 2 days after my connection went live, when I placed the order only the 2gb pro package was listed, if only I’d waited a couple of weeks before signing up!

We will be able to upgrade you shortly

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Was that a reply to me or the op? Or both as we reside in the same town. Sounds like CF has been doing work in the area then.

You may get a text from CF as they’ve been booking people at Random, or email [email protected] and they’ll get it booked in for you